Husker Nole Fan News

Friday, February 08, 2008

Our Winter Update

Our first "major snow" in years! The kids had such a great time playing outside. It lasted 3 whole days!

EG loved making snowballs and having snowball fights with Daddy.

We sent Cinderella and her "Prince Daddy" off to the Father/Daughter Ball at church. She's such a lucky girl!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Road Trip

Our journey began at 4:15a.m. enroute to Nebraska. We were gone for 12 days and logged 40 hours in the car by the time we got home. After all that, we'd had a great time with family and friends, and yes, the kids still don't mind getting in the car. They're the best travelers!! Here's a few pics from our trip. These are only the pics from my camera. Mom's camera has the rest, so those will come later. Enjoy!

Who doesn't want to roof with their cousins on their summer vacation? EG and her cousins, Tim and Ben helped Uncle Alan re-roof their garage.

We took the kids to Elephant Hall @ Univ.of Nebr. The kids really enjoyed the museum. Will's favorite part was this buffalo skin which he enjoyed snuggling up to!

Uncle Alan and Aunt Mary were great hosts and the kids had a blast swinging and playing in the basement. Will loved playing with "ANT MAWWWY" and still asks to visit them in "ABASKA".

Next stop: Wilcox, NE. We spent great time with the Harms' and with Grandma Jean. I thought EG and Abby might wear out the trampoline. The kids loved the animals and Will especially liked the chickens. EG had a great time with her "big cousins" Kate, Emily, Abby, and Ben.

Evertything old is new again. Will liked his Opa Dave's gun holster and EG played with an Etch A Sketch at Grandma Jean's.

Okay, maybe Will's favorite animal was the cats. I'm not sure how much they liked him, though.
Aunt Julie tries to keep him from getting scratched!

A sweet picture with Grandma Jean

On to Norman. EG and Hannah had so much fun together that it was hard to break them up. They went to tennis camp together, went swimming, and had hours of fun playing. Here's some of their greatest hits, but I'm sure Jessica's pictures are better. Maybe we'll get some copies.

Our final destination was Texas where we stayed with our friends, Chris and Jodi. We had a great weekend at the pool with them and spending great time together. Can't wait to hear about baby Barrett's birth!

We had to stop at the Miss. border for a break. Here's the obligatory state line picture that everyone has. I thought it was cute.

AHH, Oreos. Nothing keeps the troops happier on a road trip. The kids were such great travelers and watched very little TV. We're still amazed at how well they did. We made it home quickly and uneventfully, which is the way we like it. We had a great time seeing everyone and hope to get the rest of the pictures up soon!

Monday, May 28, 2007

May 07

Another month of big milestones for the White family. We can't believe that Kindergarten is over! Emma Grace is now a 1st grader. Her first year was so great. Her writing is the biggest improvement by far and she's a reading machine. She got an award for her reading program at school. She completed the reading program perfectly since they started it, so she got to go to the special "Rocket Reader" breakfast and got a medal. We are so proud of her!!

As you might guess from this picture , Will is potty training. He's not completely trained yet, but it's going a lot faster than I thought it would. Can't believe our little man's growing up so fast! He's fascinated with flushing the toilet and "wash your hands wif soap and wader"--so funny!
It will be nice to have him wear actual clothes again since we've been half naked for a week now.

Scott, Raquel, and the kids came for Memorial weekend. Chris took the big 3 to Barnes and Noble and of course they came back with books. Andrew and EG got right to reading when they got back. Star Wars for Andrew, Little Mermaid for Abby, and a mystery for EG. Also, EG swam for the first time by herself yesterday (5/27)with no floatation devices of any kind!!!! This is huge for her! She has overcome so much fear since last year and even beginning this Spring with lessons. Will loves the pool, too and he and I had fun at Mommy and me swimming lessons in April and May. I think we're going to have a fun summer ahead of us.

Who wants more of Chris' chocolate chip pancakes?

Well, that's it for now. Mom, the kids, and I are off on Wednesday to make our pilgrimage to Nebraska, OK, and Texas to visit family and friends. We'll update with pics from the trip when we get back.

A Quick Trip to Orlando

It's amazing how life can change in one moment. For our friend Jenna, she went from playing in the pool to spending 8 days in the hospital. Emma Grace and Jenna have been friends from the womb and have remained friends despite living far away. Jenna was playing at a friend's pool when she fell in and hit her head on the side of the pool on the way down. She had a blood clot in her brain. Of course we panicked right along with Matt and Susan since it could've easily happened to our child and Jenna's like a daughter to us. When we heard that Jenna was in trouble, we had to do something. Jenna had two requests: 1. I want to go home. 2. I want Emma to visit me. We couldn't do anything about getting her home, but we could made the trip to Florida. God worked all the details out for us. EG's teacher, Mrs. Roan and her school were more than accommodating to her absence even though we didn't have any more absences to use. My grandparents kept Will and people from Matt and Sue's church provided a wonderful place for us to stay so that we could be close to the hospital and not have to make the trip back and forth from Grandma and Grandpa's house. It was very hard to see tiny Jenna in that ICU bed with all the wires, tubes, and monitors . Matt and Sue were so strong and calm. I can't tell you what a blessing it was to see the girls together. I've been blessed with life-long friends and it brought tears to my eyes to see EG getting to experience it. They watched movies, talked about books and barbies and EG's birthday party. They even sang along with the music therapist. We hated to have to be there for this reason, but EG and I were glad to spend time with such great friends.

The girls played an intense game of UNO (Jenna won), and EG plays some outdoor xylophone for her friend. Obviously the Yanni music is working to relax Jenna.

It was hard to leave them, but it was good to be able to leave Jenna with a smile on her face. Emma Grace has shown us how compassionate and gentle she can be and how special and precious those first friendships are. Jenna was released after 8 long days and continues to improve. They're moving to Tampa this week for Matt to be an Associate pastor at a church there. We'll try to give updates when we have them. We'll see them this summer at some point and I'll be happy to post pictures of busy little girls running around and swimming together instead of being stuck in a hospital!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Spring Freeze

Our Spring Break was really, really cold. We froze on Easter weekend! EG had fun as our cookie artist and co-chef.

Our neighborhood Egg hunt was cold, but fun. The Easter Bunny was lots of fun and so was the candy!
Will was an expert hunter.

The Easter bunny brought lots of yummy goodies and Charlotte's Web on Sunday morning, so everyone was thrilled, until they stepped outside! The kids wore their adorable easter outfits, but also wore their Christmas coats b/c it was in the 20s !! Unfortunately, by Monday we were all sick in one form or another. EG had her 1st sick day from school, but she recovered quickly. Will helped her heal by laying on her and loving on her. He's now very enamored by his sister and it's been fun to watch them play together. He asks for her all day while she's at school and jumps for joy when she gets off the bus.

Watching cartoons is a prescription for making your sick day go better--especially with love from your sibling.

Happy Birthday Will!

All the coolest Mouseketeers attended Will's 3rd Birthday at Grandma D's house on 2/10. We played "pin the ears on Mickey" and had fun making our teeth black from the cake. Will had a great time and continues to ask for Mickey Mouse cake.

Riley seemed to enjoy his ears.

Andrew, Abby, and EG did quality control for us with the cake and helped open presents, too. Will loves his new laptop and all his new Little people--his favorite toys.

Kaela and I enjoyed the view from the floor of all the festivities. We let uncle Chris handle the presents!

Winter 07

EG had a traveling competition to Fayetteville, NC in January. We had fun traveling with her buddies, Isis and Kennedy. Carpooling with friends made the trip much more fun. The girls did a great job. It was a 2-day competition and they improved each day. We were very proud of our little cheerleader. She can now do her front walk-over and front handspring. Back handspring should come soon!

EG enjoys having fun with her friends and reading. She's a speed reader and is really into chapter books. She can finish one in no time flat. The owl is her class mascot and she got to bring him home and write about what they did together during her week with him. Will and daddy have a new game of peek a boo behind Chris' laptop. It's a fun new morning ritual.

Scott and Raquel were able to come up for Will's birthday and the Father/Daughter dance. The girls looked so cute and the daddies did too. They had so much fun dancing the night away!
Such a precious sight.

Merry Christmas

Okay, fine, so it's after Easter--so sue me.
Our Christmas was very busy We had so much going on up until we left for Christmas Eve service, that I thought we weren't going to get done, but thank goodness we did. We had a great time at church and a wonderful party afterwards and we got a chance to really enjoy it. Grandma and Grandpa were here and the kids had a blast with them. Will has become quite the Papa's boy and it's been fun watching them bond.

If you don't watch "The Office" you think the picture of Chris is wierd, but for those of you who get the joke, I was quite proud of that gift. EG and Will enjoyed her new umbrella--good thing we're not superstitious! Finally, I wanted to add a picture of all the White cousins. We're quite the motley crew these days but they have so much fun together and they're just so darn cute!
Up next: EG competes again and Will's b-day